Friday, January 27, 2012

Barbie "MINI" Cooper!

There are some good things about this new Barbie Mini cooper and some bad!
First the good: Mattel finally discovered it may be possible to produce an accessory for Barbie that is NOT pink!
Hooray for those brave sun stained little risk takers!
Barbie's "mini" is a wonderful little true to life red/wine color.
Perhaps this is because the Mini actually belongs to "Ken"
However, he is the driver whenever they're in a vehicle together despite its pink color.

The disappointing BAD
Of course, in true Mattel style the automobile is NOT built to scale.

The Heads pop out of the car from chest up.
The packaging doesn't show it well but once you bring this baby home you'll find it odd!
So, if you were looking to add this to your adult collection.... You may want to skip it.
This Mini may be on scale for Dynamite Girls or Poppy Parker (barely) but NOT Barbie or Fashion Royalty!

The $29.00 price point does nothing to help the cause or indulgence!


  1. Really disappointing!
    Thanks For this!

  2. All Mattel/Barbie cars are not scale for Barbie. Barbie is 1/6 scale and all cars are about 1/8 scale
